
作品展示 2019年10月17日〜10月20日
会場 東京芸術劇場 ギャラリー1(東京 池袋)
時間 11:00-18:00(最終日は15:00まで)
主催 一般社団法人日欧宮殿芸術協会
運営 クリエイト・アイエムエス株式会社
Exhibition Period: 17 – 20 October 2019
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Gallery 1(Tokyo, Japan)
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Arts Association
Management: CREATE I.M.S CO.,LTD

『日本ヨーロッパ交流展2019』が、東京芸術劇場 ギャラリー1(東京・池袋)で開催された。本展は、国内外の芸術家・文芸作家の作品を、日本国内に発信する展覧会であり、今回は日本の現代芸術家の作品240点に、ドイツアーティストの芸術作品26点、オーストリアの芸術作品29点が展示された。
The “Japan-Europe Exchange Exhibition 2019” was held at Gallery 1 (Ikebukuro, Tokyo) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. This exhibition was an exhibition to allow people all over Japan to learn about the works of artists and writers in and out of the country, and this time, 240 creations by Japanese modern artists, 26 artworks by German artists, and 29 Austrian artworks were exhibited.
Germany, which last participated in 2017, has a history of producing a great number of prominent pioneers such as Wagner and Beethoven, and many modern artists are producing creative works. On the other hand, Austria, which participated for the first time in 2019, can be considered one of the countries with a notable history of and is deeply involved in art. In particular, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the existences of the House of Habsburg and Gustav Klimt influenced the history of art. Also, in April this year, the “Japan Art Festival” was held, and the memory of an art exchange with Japan being held at the World Heritage Site Schönbrunn Palace is still fresh in our minds.
At this exhibition, other than the display of the creations of modern artists who are active in these two countries, as their representatives, the German Western-style artists Klaus Menz-Sander and Ramona Romanu, as well as the Austrian modern artist Heike Jeromin, came to Japan. Along with admiring the works of the Japanese artists and writers, a cultural exchange full of enthusiasm was conducted, which included artists from each country exchanging opinions regarding their creative work and cultures among themselves. Also, a commemorative ceremony was conducted on October 19th, where people with ties to Japan, Germany, and Austria, such as the President Yoshinori Katori of the Japan-Austria Society, gathered to bless the holding of this exhibition.
Thus, this exhibition ended without incident on October 20th. The organizer, the Japan-Europe Palace Art Association expressed its gratitude to all parties who are relevant and cooperated, including the artists of each country, and its intention to do its best to further develop the exchange of art and culture with Germany and Austria, the participants of this exhibition.