日欧宮殿芸術祭2019 / JAPAN ART FESTIVAL2019

作品展示 2019年5月3日〜5月5日
会場 シェーンブルン宮殿 オランジェリー(オーストリア ウィーン)
時間 11:00-18:00(最終日は15:00まで)
主催 一般社団法人日欧宮殿芸術協会
運営 クリエイト・アイエムエス株式会社
Exhibition Period: 3 – 5 May 2019
Venue: Schönbrunn Palace Orangery (Vienna, Austria)
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Arts Association
Management: CREATE I.M.S CO.,LTD

日欧芸術文化の新たな宮殿を展望する『日欧宮殿芸術祭2019』が、シェーンブルン宮殿 オランジェリー(オーストリア ウィーン)で開催された。本展は、日本オーストリア友好150周年認定の交流事業であり、また日欧宮殿芸術協会によるオーストリアでの初展覧会となる。今回は、ジャンルの枠を超えて選出された日本の作品287点に、オーストリアの芸術作品33点、さらにマルタの芸術作品10点が展示された。さらに本展の開催が日墺両国の友好に重要と見做した在オーストリア日本大使館のご好意により、隣接する広報文化センターにて姉妹展「日本とオーストリア・芸術と文芸」が同時開催され、芸術祭に出展中の芸術家・文芸作家の作品が一ヶ月にわたって展示された。

The 2019 edition of “Japan Art Festival,” which seeks new palaces that capture the art and culture of Japan and Europe, was held at the Schoenbrunn Palace Orangery (Vienna, Austria). This exhibition was a cultural exchange project that marks 150 years of friendship between Japan and Austria, and it was the first exhibition held in Austria by the Japan-Europe Palace Art Association (JEPAA). A total of 287 Japanese works, 33 Austrian works, and 10 Maltese works of art were selected from various genres and showcased at this exhibition. With the generous support of the Embassy of Japan in Austria, which deemed this exhibition as a milestone in the diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria, the companion exhibition “Japan and Austria: Art and Literature” was held concurrently at the adjacent Japanese Information and Culture Center where the works of artists and writers featured at the art festival were on display for a period of one month.
Many people from Vienna and beyond visited the exhibition every day to enjoy the art of Japan, Austria, and Malta. Recitals by local chorus groups and lectures by artists were also held at the exhibition venue, while attempts were made to allow visitors to enjoy art from a variety of perspectives, giving rise to a new set of guidelines for cultural exchange events in the arts.
Moreover, the commemorative ceremony held on May 4th showcased the wonderful art and culture of Japan and Austria, including a string quartet performance by members of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and a calligraphy performance by the calligrapher Miwako Nagaoka. Artists from all three countries as well as Dr. Diethard Leopold, President of the Austrian-Japanese Society, were present for the post-ceremony party that followed, where lively interactions took place between the artists and other guests in the spirit of art and cultural exchange.
The exhibition came to an end on May 5th. The significant deepening of cultural ties between the three participating countries through this successful exhibition was featured by the media, and Austrian artists quickly confirmed their participation in the “Japan-Europe Cultural Exchange Exhibition 2019” in October. It was also decided that the 2020 edition of “Japan Art Festival” will be held in Malta the following year.